Mario Castillo

MARIO CASTILLO. At present I am going through a transitional period, similar to one I went through in 1974. This has to do with recapitulating, reclaiming, and revisiting work from my own personal artistic past. I am doing this as a form of cleansing and because I know it will take me to new levels of awareness. An exhibit at The Frick Center, at Elmhurst College, (running through October 20, 2001) is called "Recapitulations and it demonstrates my intentions clearly

The work with layering images over each other actually goes back to work I was doing in 1961. The idea for the superimpositions came from cave art. Some of these paintings deal with "Perceptualism" a term I coined in 1993. This deals with altering your perception. By focusing on the pupil of an eye or the middle of concentric circles for ten seconds or more your perception starts to change and the painting starts to act as a Rorschach ink blot and you start to see things I did not put there. With longer focused observation, the work starts to turn into an apparent field of energy.

Nagual's Shadow on Fire

Huichol Dreamtime

Death of the Fifth Sun


Terrestrial Iconography


Nagual Woman Stealing a Soul's Energy
Nagual Spinning a Web of Light