En español  
                            Classroom website

--Bi-lingual, Bi-cultural,
able to slip from "How's life?"
to "Me'stan volviendo loca,"
able to sit in a paneled office
drafting memos in smooth English,
able to order in a fluent Spanish
at a Mexican restaurant,
American but hyphenated,
viewed by Anglos as perhaps exotic,
perhaps inferior, definitely different,
perhaps inferior, definitely different,
(their eyes say, "You may speak
Spanish but you're not like me"
an American to Mexicans
a Mexican to Americans. . .
                      --"Legal Alien," (Chants)

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¡En español!
published by McDougal Littell and 

¡Claro que sí!
published by Houghton Mifflin.
 Please report broken links to Ann Ramsey:     
Bonner Springs High School, Bonner Springs, Kansas