¡En español!
Sep 21, 2003 8:10 am US/Eastern NEW YORK (AP) Forget about tuition — the cost of textbooks could be cause for a college loan. The cost of college textbooks has increased by 41 percent over the last five years, with some students paying more than $1,000 a year for books, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer said Saturday. According to a new study released by Schumer, the average college freshman or sophomore in New York state pays $922 for textbooks, an increase of 41 percent since 1998. "After they pay the tuition, parents and students are getting slapped with shockingly high costs for textbooks in class after class, at school after school," Schumer said. Required textbooks for a typical class run $104 at CUNY and SUNY schools, said Schumer, who has a daughter in college. Schumer, at a news conference outside the New York University bookstore, also proposed a tax deduction of up to $1,000 for textbooks to help cut the costs for working families putting children through college. "This means real dollars and real savings for middle class families who have to beg and borrow to send their kids to college," Schumer said. This information comes from:http://cbsnewyork.com/campaign/politicsny_story_264081305.html |