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Descendents of La Raza celebrate their heritage.

"How far I am from you, homeland,
as I carry in my blood
a bubbling of sunlight
struggle and hope.

In your name, homeland,
and in the name of your sons,
the thousands of dispossessed,
I'll lift my head and fight
as you wanted me to."
Poem taken from Glenn Welker’s website: http://www.indians.org/welker/mayamenu.htm

The oral tradition continues with theater, song, and verse.

Poesía Calaca    

Himno de la raza

Some authors write about sensitive political issues.

Latino Heritage Month:
Latinos and New Politics

El Mes de Herencia Latina:
Latinos y las Nuevas Políticas

Día de la Raza:
Celebrate and renew our commitment to community
Día de la Raza:
Celebramos y renovemos nuestro compromiso la comunidad

The tradition of recording cultural history on public murals continues.

José Clemente Orozco

David Alfaro Siqueiros

East L.A. murals

L. A. Murals

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Bonner Springs High School, Bonner Springs, Kansas